Monday 19 December 2016

Little Love Status and God

If we showed more little love status, first reflex, to people who do not see us like us, we could then talk about the points of disagreement. But by aggressively demonstrating, without considering why people believe what they believe, their journey, their influences, etc., we generate even more aggressiveness.

Last Friday we crossed France, from Nice to Brittany, to make a single meeting because we felt that it was in the plan of God. At the sight of people thirsting for the Word of God, although most of them are of very different faith from mine (officially), I had this pleasant feeling of obeying the Lord and that the deposit we had left was good .. This article corresponds to the reflections that were mine during our return in TGV of this trip which took us the day of Saturday.

As we mentioned in the previous article, what God wants and will do is through the members of His body. If there is one thing He wants to manifest, to express is his nature which is Little Love Status! And He wants to express it through each of us. More than the doctrinal correctness (of which we do not deny the importance here since we teach continually) is Love! More than our "great ministry" is Love! Our first mission here, above all, is to let Him express His Love through us. Yes, of course it is to proclaim the Gospel, but so many people announce the Gospel without Love, with so much aggressiveness towards those who do not think like them. There's a catch, is not it?  Testifying, even with great zeal, Jesus is not going to justify us on the day of judgment. Jesus did not say that many will come by telling him everything they have done for him and that He will tell them that he does not know them. Paul speaks of a zeal "without intelligence" which does not fulfill the righteousness of God in the Romans.

One then sees the difference with the world.

Principle is misunderstood when we look at all the tears between Christians, churches, ministries and couples. Many people even fight in the name of God against others. What aggressiveness, what aggressiveness in our environments ... evangelical ... manifested, for so little love status in return sometimes. See all this aggressiveness on Facebook.

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