Monday 24 October 2016

The Best eye cream do I need it

For some days you wake up the area around the eyes more swollen than usual. How strange, if you do not usually have bags (what was missing you, think).

We will investigate this mystery: 

Are you sleeping worse? No
Have you noticed if you hold liquids lately? No
Have you changed your the best eye cream area ? Ahem, estooooo ... I ran out and I get the cream night in that area.
Aha, there we have the solution to this mystery. "You can use the face cream to treat the eye area " . The speaker is Dr. Javier Anido ( ), but not the only one that confirms this fact. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) also recommends using a special cream for that area. Let 's see why.

"The thickness of the skin around the eye is five times thinner than the rest of the face , the presence of collagen is also much lower and is poor in sebaceous glands", counted from the AEDV. Another important difference is that this area of the face is in constant motion as around the eyes there are 22 muscles working constantly and blink more than 10,000 times a day . What does this mean? A thin skin that is in continuous movement 'estirajará' (yes, yes, the estirajar verb that means something to deform stretching) before a thicker moving less and sagging and wrinkles appear.

"Being so thin, the skin absorbs more easily the product you put on it. The moisturizing or nourishing creams face have more lipids (fat) treatment the best eye cream contour and can be accumulated in the area resulting in bags , "says Anido.

Another feature of the eye contour is that the micro blood and lymphatic circulation slows down with age in that area and be given ingredients that help drain and desinflamarla. One more, creams, serums or face masks may have ingredients very active to cause irritation if applied near the eye.

Finally, it is also very important to use a product specific and gentle cleansing , to clean the area without irritating. Textures are my favorite oil. How do I use it ? Impregnate a cotton pad and desmaquillo up and down and not sideways (to drag the mask from the root of the eyelashes). As soon as the disc is dirty, change it with the best eye cream ... not worth hurry, because you are not then cleaning but changing the dirt place.

Sunday 23 October 2016

Mildronate drug

Meldonium can protect the heart when it is exposed to greater stress. For this reason, it is allowed in some countries under the name Mildronate as a drug for heart patients.

But even healthy athletes can benefit from the drug. It aims to improve the stamina optimize recovery after training phases, elevate mood and even have beneficial effects on learning and memory processes. Long it was legal, that athletes are taking the means, but since 1 January 2016, it is on the prohibited list of the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA.

Since then it has not only demonstrated in the tennis player Maria Sharapova , but also in six other athletes, including a cyclist, two biathletes and a figure skater. Sharapova says she has been taking this medication for years and not realize that it was banned. The list is not only as PDF available, there's even an app. Go here fore more

Saturday 22 October 2016

Uses of Mildronate

Mildronate  can be used as doping substances are abused and prohibited in professional sports since 1 January 2016th In March 2016 it was announced that the tennis player Maria Sharapova was tested positive in a doping test at the Australian Open. She had taken the funds for ten years and was apparently unaware that it was forbidden since the beginning of the year. In sports Meldonium may inter alia promote endurance, improve recovery and increase mental capacity. Besides Maria Sharapova other athletes tested positive at the beginning of the year.

Mildronate  has anti-ischemic properties. The effects of inhibition of carnitine biosynthesis attributed by inhibiting the enzyme γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase. This Meldonium reduces the breakdown of fatty acids in ischemic tissue (β-oxidation) and it is more glucose consumed. Consequently toxic intermediates are less educated and less oxygen is consumed. In addition, other mechanisms play a role. click here for more.

Monday 17 October 2016

lightweight double stroller for babies

Those who follow my Facebook page already know, I gave in to temptation and bought a new lightweight double stroller for babies to celebrate my return to work (yes, even that, it deserves a gift!)

A well good idea, since I realized by meeting my Super Nanny, that his lift was very small, and that the City Select are not be back within un-clip the seats (not handling it the right / ability to guard the circumstances views). The Mountain Buggy Duet is joining us early September. I chose the "Chile" colors that I found very nice:

The highlight (and central) of this stroller is its width 63 cm (on paper, because in reality it is rather approach 64/65 but we will not quibble), this is a feat in terms of construction, which is possible by the passage of the chassis SUB seats, not "around" them.

On conventional strollers is at the wheels and outside the frame that the stroller is at its widest, on MBDuet is the same width everywhere.

What is not said is that this architecture will play on all planes ....

Handling is excellent, it goes up the sidewalks by pushing with one hand on the handlebars. No land scares him. However, I was expecting a better stranded for  lightweight double stroller for babies!

So the tires to inflate / maintain regular basis, it was one of the reasons that made me delay the purchase (with the size of the seats, of which I speak below).
Indeed, on the second day, I found myself with a tire deflated a little, and I had to quickly find a pump. An advice, forget the "classic" pump hose, and take small pumps that "clipped" and stay there in the basket!

Note that Mountain Buggy offers a set of wheels "Aerotech" tubeless, which do not require maintenance of this type.
The stroller is a true optical illusion, people have the impression of seeing a tank arrived and retired to our visit, but we actually happening everywhere, I have been blocked once in a hyper narrow body, but when a case is less than 65 cm, it is the union that has a problem .
The  lightweight double stroller for babies, however, has some shortcomings noted, which are collateral damage of its width.

 Already the seat are very narrow. In winter with a big jacket, it's a little galley to attach my two babies (10 and 11 kg only ... ..). I slipped fine muffs, which accentuated this small problem. In height, they do not touch the top of the seat (2 years, approximately 87 cm)

 In nomadic good mom, my babies are still sometimes their nap in the stroller. Again it became a problematic strand. The notice specifies not to use the mode seats "lying" past 9 kg of the baby. I did not understand the limit of 9 kg, so I have overstepped the rule. Well again, due to the construction of the stroller, it created a huge imbalance, and the risk of tipping backwards if we do not pay close attention (including mounted the sidewalk, for example)

Some will say that I quibble! It is certain that this stroller is a major asset for Parisian parents of twins, for example, whatever, its weight is not necessarily an asset, it is very heavy, even empty. Just be warned, if it can accept two Cosys, making it a true twin stroller from birth, it requires removing the seats, and go wider in  lightweight double stroller for babies.

Wednesday 5 October 2016

National Taco Day Deals 2016

Mrch 31 Taco Day is celebrated in Mexico. This dish is so characteristic of Mexican cuisine that should have a special day on the calendar.

On the Day of Taco all Mexicans are proud of this dish that has become so popular around the world.

Although there are many types of tacos, the basic recipe consists of a flour or corn tortilla that is rolled into different types of meat and is often accompanied by vegetables such as onions or spicy sauces.

It is believed that the custom of eating taco dates from the pre-Hispanic era. As men had to work long hours, they needed to take with a nutritious food, but both easy to carry, then women came up with the brilliant idea to wrap the food in corn tortillas.

Tortillas at the time they were prepared on hot stones. Its main ingredient is corn, in fact it was considered for many years as a sacred food.  Soruce is .